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07 - 31
How To Choose The Seed Tray
Seed tray has many advantages, it not only saves labor and effort, but also has a very high mechanized production efficiency. So what is the process from selection to planting? Today I prepared this part, let's learn together!
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09 - 09
What are the advantages of root control technology
To solve the technical problem of transplanting large tree seedlings with full crowns: conventional greening large seedlings must be cut to remove the crowns, otherwise it will be difficult to survive. Root control and rapid seedling raising technology uses a special seedling container to control th
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09 - 09
The key technology of vegetable seedling tray
1. The characteristics of plug seedlings1.Features: wide adaptability, can sown a variety of crops; the root system is tightly entangled with the substrate, and there is no slow seedling period after planting
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